I won 4 tickets from Churp-Churp and my movie entourage was my girlfriend, her brother and my business partner. Another friend of ours had to miss out because only 4 tickets maximum were given. The Legion was at GSC, 1Utama.
Well, we were given seats 3 rows from the screen. Yes, that close. Some other bloggers I saw at the event were seated only 5 rows from the screen. Which made many of the Churpers asking, how in the world did we all get these kind of seats? Even if we redeemed our tickets early.
But enough ranting. The good thing about the movie is that the action scenes weren’t as many. I could tell, because at our distance, quick movements in action scenes are nothing but blurred and disfigured visions. And there weren’t many incidents like this.
The build up of the story was alright but towards the ending, it lost steam.The ending for me was one of those “wtf” endings and mind you, NOT cliffhanger!
The main character; Michael (Paul Bettany), was the right person to play the part. His cold and intense expression and posture brings out the dark but yet, a good side to the character. Well casted and played.
Unlike the movie Old Dogs, this is a movie I’d not watch again. Sorry, Peter Schink and Scott Stewart.
Other bloggers I bumped into at the screening wereΒ Sashi, Bryan, Yatz and other familiar faces whom I’ve not personally introduced myself.
By the way, can someone tell me why didn’t the possessed move when they exited from the backdoor?