I really loved this movie. And yes, I finally watched it.
Not only because I could kind of relate to Walter spacing out, but it motivated me to take action. As Ariel said to me, it had a very “up and go” feel and I have to agree.
Sometimes we ponder too much on things or over think and we come to a conclusion which we may not have accepted in the end. Walter reminded me there is no harm to take a chance or as one poster wrote “take a leap”.
Live life a little from time to time because you may not know how or where it may take you.
When I first heard about the LEGO movie, I really had no expectations of it and jumped to the conclusion it was a movie for kids. Boy, was I wrong.
I liked the script for the movie because of all the jokes they managed to pack into it. Sure, some of them may have sounded slapstick but hey, it’s a LEGO movie. So chill out and enjoy.
And if you’ve read my article on Frozen, you’d know the music in a movie to me plays a large role in making it good. Though this movie had more environmentally filling tunes, there will be without a doubt 1 song you will not be able to help yourself, but feel happy later.
Wrapping this up. The movie was really really well done. LEGO managed to rekindle the magic of my memories playing with it and I loved the simple message; allow imagination to be free. Ooh ooh…and I was really curious how much of the movie was animated and how much stop motion was shot because (yes, everything was awesome) the render was so near to the actual LEGO tile!
The first piranha movie I watched was back in the 90s. And I couldn’t believe how many piranha movies there were when I tried to IMDB the one I watched. Gosh!
After watching the recent Piranha movie, I thought it would’ve ended. But no, someone had to have the huge piranha jumping out of the water to take a head off. *facepalm*
Anyway, this sequel to me had less scenes of piranha scoffing and more fan service as what we’d call it in some anime. This I would say is probably the only reason you’d watch Piranha 3DD.
Keep it in your pants
Besides that, as coined in Wikipedia as a comedic horror film, I’d lie if I didn’t laugh at scenes involving a water tank humper and the piranha biting a dude’s penis. *bang head on table*
So if you’re in the mood for something to just fill the time with while you do your homework, this could be one of those to watch. And don’t forget to lift your head to look out for this later.
Yesterday me and Ariel walked Pavillion to kill the time before the movie. During our stroll, I finally walked into the Muji concept store. It was awesome! Especially the stationary. 😀 Then, we noticed a crowd gathering a floor above us. So we assumed it was the Culture Japan night organized by Danny Choo. And yes it was!
That's what he looks like - on the right
Observing from the sidelines, because it was a registered event, we even saw Jimmy Choo there. Sadly, all these otaku were either shy, too busy talking to themselves or just did not know who that man was?! *facepalm*
Afro, polka dot, polka dot, circus
I got us tickets to watch Madagascar 3 and it was a blast! From the beginning to the end of the film, you’ll be entertained by the antics of the gang. And I was very surprised, because I was really worried the trailers would’ve revealed too much. But the movie had much more to reveal! *phew*
If you were never into the whole “I like to move it, move it”…what am I saying?! or, WHY am I saying it?! Let me just show you.
Now, if you hadn’t been laughing or at least, smiling, there’s something wrong with you. Maybe you should go see Kumar the comedian. 😛
Anyway, I felt this movie was really good. It captured a real magical feeling of the whole Madagascar series. It was almost…Disney-like. Without the princes and princesses.
P.S.: And yes, the penguins are it again. Except, they now have monkey powa!
It was over the weekend when me and Ariel spent almost 10 hours, yes, TEN hours at the mall. I guess that proves it that we urbanites have really nothing better to do at times. But, I’ll leave that story for another day.
GSC had a new advertisement order
As we went through the whole advertisements and trailers, I noticed GSC changed the arrangement of them. Most of the time, it’ll be advertisements then trailers then the GSC introduction. Or, trailers then advertisements and then introduction. However, it was now introduction, advertisements, trailers, advertisements then trailer again.
It definitely felt very obvious because Ariel was asking me if we were watching The Amazing Spiderman. LOL! Though I do understand why she also felt that way, because the trailer seemed longer than the normal ones. Are the producers of Spiderman worried not many people are going to watch it? Come on, it’s Spiderman! Who’d miss it? 😛
Men in black wrap up
Or not? But first, let me say I watched the first movie at the premiere at Rex cinemas in Sea Park PJ. Yes, it’s been THAT long ago since Men In Black was first shown. And I clearly remember, the best dressed for men was won by a dude in a trench with a lighted up backpack character of the Toy Story alien.
Yes. This fella~
Fast forwarding to the present – unfortunately, I can’t time jump. Men In Black 3 to me captured what the film had in its first release. It had the shroud of mystery and tie-back in the film. Sure, the whole story of an organization overseeing aliens with employees dressed in black suits with black ties and black shades created a trend. But, the second movie to me wasn’t all that good. Maybe it was because they tried too hard interjecting some form of romantic relationship. Who knows?
If you’re planning on watching Men In Black 3, don’t compare it to the first. Like I said out loud over Twitter, it felt like a wrap up to the Men In Black sequel. And I hope they leave it as that.