Tip the scale for once

The best thing about being in a business platform with many other business owners is that you can call them your business colleagues. Some of which I know more closely and have become friends. Thus, I can brag that I’ve got around 500 business colleagues which I network with for business. 😀

Then, one of them recently co-wrote a book and released it for pre-orders. It’s stories detailing the dirty tricks business owners have used to win business. Be it under the table, sexual favours and other unethical means of securing the wanted accounts.

In conjunction with this book launching, I’ve participated in their contest giveaway on Facebook. The rules are simple. They snapped my photo and included my selected caption. All I have to do is get as many people to click Like on this photo.


And yes, that is how I look like when I suit up. Very different, no? By the way, ignore the Dragonball hair. It’s like that whenever my hair is rather thick and it needs trimming. It was deem a bad hair day. 😛

Now, I know I’m no chic. And it sounds far fetched to even go head-to-head against one, but can’t blame me for trying. So, if you’re a person (guy or girl) who wants to tip the scales for once, please follow this link to the photo on Facebook and click Like!

Video response to P1 Pimp Our Tagline contest

I’m not an animator nor a video wizard, but I guess I’ve to make do with what crappy skills I have in drawing, animating and video editing. Especially when there’s nothing to be proud of my previous DiGi broadband contest entry. Seen it?

Well, I hope I’ve done much better for the current P1 Pimp Our Tagline contest. It took me about a week to plan out the flow and 2 full days to prepare and compile everything.

Of course, I should disclaim the video was done for my personal use and I had no intention what-so-ever to harm anyone in the video. So, there.

By the way, please do vote for this video. I’m seriously considering to sell-off the prize won later for cash. The fund will be used to help out my girlfriend in her final semester.

The surprise gift from Jenny Sun

Quickie on Jenny Sun. She’s a Malaysian wedding photographer who shoots couples in Sydney and KL. Jenny’s distinctive style is to shoot into the sun. It goes against the rules to have the sun behind but I guess if you can pull it off, why not.

jenny's work
Shot by Jenny Sun Photography

Not so long ago, Jenny ran a contest giving away a ShootSac slingbag for photographers. The slingbag’s by Shootsac are designer inspired and look seriously awesome. Maneuvering on the go is easier and access to an added lense is 1 less zip to worry too.

Though I didn’t win the Shootsac contest. Jenny gave surprise gifts to other commendable submissions. Besides me, Nigel also won this gift too.

So what was the gift?

Jenny passed it to me in a brown envelope when I met her at the Got Mojo? seminar. She was planning to post it to me but I saved her a few bucks. 😛

Inside the envelope was a nicely bubble wrapped package containing a silver box, silver CD case and a personal handwritten note from Jenny. Sweet!

surprise gift
Post-processed to B&W

Still wondering what was contained in the ribbon-tied box? Well, ta-da!

Photo printouts and CD

It’s hand-picked photographs Jenny took while she was traveling. In the CD, there was high-resolution images which I could use for wallpapers. And seriously, I love the Eiffel Tower shot. Just look at that beam!

To me as Cameranoob, they’re simply beautiful photos. 😀 Thanks, Jenny.

P.S.: This is Jenny.

jenny's picture
Jenny Sun

Hope she doesn’t shoot me when she finds out this was from her blog header. LOL! 😛

Why I Like It Longer

When I was a boy, it was one of the first places I discovered. The place where all joy would rush through my veins. It would always make me happy especially after long trainings. Soon, it became one of the things I always looked forward to, especially with many people.

But, something happened as years passed. I noticed, it was, not becoming longer. It left me nothing but disappointment because:

[swf]https://iam.dannyfoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/hand.swf, 500, 300[/swf]

Just as the animation tells, wieners are meant to be longer, not shorter! Who’d ever heard of a 1 inch long wiener. With such a short wiener, you could have two in your mouth at a time and swallow it whole. That ain’t value for money!

Which is why, I decided to convert from a being a wiener lover to a chocolate lover. Not only does it melt in your hand, but in your mouth too. And, it’s especially great for winning hearts – both males and females.

And being a chocolate lover, has its advantages.

Chocolate goes well with almost ANYTHING!

Even dog?

Chocolate destresses your day!


Chocolate can be art!


Chocolate can lower blood cholestrol and blood pressure!


Chocolate gives you energy!


And ultimately, chocolate is a symbol of love and persuasion!

There is chocolate in his ear!

Instant Romeo I tell you. Therefore, how not to be a chocolate lover.

And to make chocolate even more exciting, you can even bring it anywhere now. The living room, the bedroom and even, the toilet. It’s evolved to a stage you can even make calls on it!

Ladies and gents, I present to you the LG BL40 Chocolate mobile phone. 🙂

why i like it longer

Now, I’d prefer a longer chocolate than a shorter wiener. And if you hadn’t figured it out, wieners are also sausages.

So you may now stop 2nd guessing and also, replacing your sausages with the male anatomy. Thank you very much.