For our Japan trip from Osaka to Tokyo, we decided to try out local pocket wifi provider; Wiyo. It was a decision made because we weren’t aware that pocket wifi(s) could be rented from the Japan airport and quite frankly, I guess we were just over excited about the trip.
In its bright orange glory, Wiyo’s pocket wifi and accessories are packed into this casing.
Awesome protective case in ORANGE!
Inside the casing you’ll find the pocket wifi device, power plug for Japan, charging cable and a small manual to quickly give you the rundown on how to use the device.
Left to RIght: Wiyo pocket device, power plug for Japan, charging cable and manual
Not included in the picture is the additional powerbank we rented – Xiaomi 5200mAh powerbank. Though while on our trip, we rarely had to use it because battery life of the pocket wifi was sufficient to last the day.
Here’s a shot of all the accessories and pocket wifi device packed for convenience.
Nicely packed and protected
Plus, I managed to fit the rented powerbank into the case as well to ensure all the rented items were with me all the time. You can’t be too careful with these things. Especially after a shopping spree, or long walks and you have to pack up quickly due to oversleeping. LOL!
Overall, we were pleased with the performance of the pocket wifi device. If you’d like the convenience of having it the moment you touchdown, then this is an option to consider.
On the other hand, if you’re comfortable with a little of Japanese language exchange and a little patience, you could try renting a local pocket wifi device from the airport. One of the extra services you get in Japan (and Korea) is that you can mail the pocket wifi device back to the company which you rented it from. And you’ll find a post office readily available within the Japan airport. Cool, right? 😀
It was a double celebration for us because not only was it our registration date, but Taylor Swift’s Malaysia RED tour concert was happening on this very day too!
From my Linkin Park concert in Malaysia experience, without a doubt, early queues formed at the Putra Stadium in Bukit Jalil. Thankfully, since we arrived at around 2-3pm we were probably between the 30th-50th people in the queue for the free seating category. Not too bad la for a Taylor Swift Malaysia concert.
Attack of the zombies
The other concert I’ve attended at the Putra Stadium was the Super Junior Malaysia concert and having that to compare with this, I have to personally say the crowd control was very different.
While we were queueing early, you’d notice the line was a respected boundary where people followed. However, when word got out that we were now allowed to go in, it was chaos.
The queue broke down and everyone started rushing to the front. Mind you, this was only to the front where they were suppose to do security checks and apparently, body checks before you enter the Taylor Swift Malaysia concert.
With (I thnk) 4 security staff, they were overwhelmed by the rush of people wanting to go in soonest. At this point, bag checks were almost out of the question.
But that wasn’t the worst I’d say. Once through that checkpoint and up a stairs, only thing standing between a huge mob of fans and the 2 staff in charge of collecting tickets is the glass door of the stadium. -_-!!! To make matters even worst, there’s a large area before the glass doors for the mob to group like zombies.
Red – crowd / Blue – security & staff
Some morons who made their way up the stairs tried to find any way they could to squeeze nearer to the doors making the crowd control worst. Also, you have inconsiderate imbeciles who started pushing from the back.
And all the staff could do whilst hiding by the doors inside was shout, “Don’t push. Or we’ll not take your tickets.” *facepalm* I guess they didn’t consider that the ones pushing were behind and telling that message from the inside of the door wouldn’t reach the outer ring of people who were pushing.
Taylor Swift Malaysia concert made up for it
Once seated inside comortably, it was another round of waiting at least with some air cond now.
Less than 50% full until opening act
After “singing” the national anthem, listening to some local band (I couldn’t hear their name clearly), waiting and it started.
Though her stage here isn’t as detailed like Super Junior, she had a wardrobe which could wow the fans on the ground. On top of that, she tried to give as much contact to the fans while her security controlled the many reaching hands.
Interesting observation. Mobile phone recording wasn’t prevented during the show. I even noticed a fan whip out a prosumer camera. Kind of made me wondered whether it was because the management and artiste didn’t mind the fans doing so.
Well, one thing I really liked about Taylor’s performance was when she performed, it felt very authentic.
It’s like when you’re comfortable with someone, you can be yourself – the real character inside. This was the feeling I felt and it drew me more into her performance.
Overall, I’m glad I came for the Taylor Swift Malaysia concert and discovered the real Taylor Swift.
If you’ve not heard, Malaysians totally love their food so much by the amount of meals they gobble in a day. Sometimes we got to have breakfast, after breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and even supper.
And I only recall eating this much in Penang, when my family decided to hunt for the known foodie spots like the Sisters fried koay teow, Acheh street banana leaf, Penang road chendol and much more.
Until I found this foodie trail infographic on iMoney, I feel I’ve got much more food to cover in my own country. *gasp* 0.0
By the way, I’m a little stuck in thought when looking at the infographic again because there’s this great nasi dagang at Damansara Uptown, but it’s apparently from Kelantan.
So, is nasi dagang from Kelantan or Terengganu?
Ooh…ooh..and it’s interesting to note apparently driving is less miles compared to flying. Wha? o.0 I’m baffled. LOL!
Like a friend you’ve not seen for 10 years, I experienced that feeling when Linkin Park performed live in Malaysia again. The last Linkin Park Malaysia concert was held at Stadium Merdeka and ticket were about RM200+. Though their performance was awesome that time, it was together with a not-so-good memory because there were what I deem hooligans. The moment jumping started, a group of us tumbled because of others who were pushing and forcing their ways to the front.
Fast forward to Linkin Park Malaysia concert 2013
Initially I didn’t know about Linkin Park performing in Malaysia until I caught word from someone, which led me to find out the Linkin Park Malaysia concert was to be organized by The WonderLand+.
I made the decision to purchase the more expensive “VIP” ticket this time; RM650, in hope to avoid hooligans as previously. On concert day, I made my way to the stadium around 4:30pm after buying myself an early dinner snack.
At 4.30pm-ish
There were some cars already present in the parking lot and I didn’t think anything of it because I assumed with the VIP ticket, my queue wouldn’t be as long. Well, I was kind of wrong.
The not-VIP queue
I found the queue unreasonable and as though being conned to believe “VIP” really meant something. This was because my queue was combined with others who bought tickets for the mosh pit and our concert areas were different. Okay, so here’s where I rant that the management should’ve considered splitting our line because VIP means Very Important Person and we paid 650 bucks okay! *fumes*
Thankfully, I made some friends while queuing and they happened to be in the VIP area too. So we were chatting about the Linkin Park Malaysia concert to past the time and I was glad to know as we’d have each others backs when the concert began. Plus, they were nice enough to help me snap a photo. Thank yous!
By the way, if there’s 1 lesson after your first concert is it will never start on time. Besides that, other practices when attending a concert is:
Pack a raincoat.
Bring a zipper bag for your mobile phone, in case it pours.
Leave umbrellas in your vehicles.
Leave water bottles behind.
Leave DSLRs / camcorders at home.
Of course, number 5 is pretty obvious unless you’re media. However, we noticed a smart person who brought his GoPro and a monopod to this Linkin Park Malaysia concert. Genius!
When the concert started, it was natural for the crowd to go wild. I was really glad Linkin Park acknowledged their absence for the past 10 years. In addition, I felt more awesome because they said Malaysia was their last stop for this year’s tour. Thank you guys for making the Linkin Park Malaysia concert a reality again!!!
At 4.30pm-ish
The not-VIP queue
Needless to say, everyone was pumped during the concert and Linkin Park continued to be awesome entertainers.
I noticed while Mike was performing, he threw a pick into the crowd naturally and I think it caught the fans by surprise. Some of them had the “WTF” expression because they didn’t realize what came flying at them.
A quick rant however was some people couldn’t keep their mobile phones in their pants for the length of the song. I noticed many had their phones in the air video recording the songs from start to finish. So in my mind, I was… “Dei! You might as well stay home and watch the Linkin Park DVD.”
The longest I recorded was less than 2 minutes and I was lucky to catch the moment when Mike came down to sing; In the end, with the fans. When it happened, fans were pushing me like a ship in the wave towards where Mike was so I couldn’t do anything else but move with the flow. Thankfully, there wasn’t a tumbling incident like my previous Linkin Park Malaysia concert experience.
After Linkin Park finished their encore set, they gave some freebies like guitar picks and drum sticks to the fans. Unfortunately, none of it came my way as I was hoping a towel would come flying to me. T_T
Nonetheless, I was really happy and proud to have attended the Linkin Park Malaysia concert once again. Furthermore, I was nearer to the stage this time as compared to last. 😀
Next Linkin Park Malaysia concert goal; be in the 2nd row! Fighting~
It was 8.00 AM and together with my family, we went for breakfast. Let me say this earlier, we have not had breakfast together like this in awhile. And I’m thankful for it because of this general election. In addition, I witnessed many other families eating together. One man with his grandfather looked so happy and proud – a sight rarely seen.
After a good breakfast, we left for the polling station and parked our car not far off to walk there. As we walked toward the entrance, we stopped at the SPR counter to check our room.
SPR clerk verification counter
After the verification, I was given a paper with the room number.
Room number 8
And as usual, my Dad jokingly was talking about 4D when he saw I was room number 8. *facepalm*
So once we knew our rooms, we walked in and join the right queue. There were several lines formed and a paper stuck on the wall roughly indicated the location of the rooms.
My queue was stupendously long from 1 corner of the block, across the bridge connecting to the next block, up the stairs and all the way further.
I kid you not.
The elderly and senior citizens had it easier because their rooms were on the ground floor. Some of the rooms there even had chairs outside for the voters to sit.
Sit and wait
Back in my queue, some voters were requested to proceed to their rooms ahead because the lines were short. However, mine was a long way to go.
My room was at the end of the line
When I reached the floor of my room, I was wondering that it would’ve been more systematic if they used the middle stairs you see in the photo for my queue. Because this would make it less confusing of which queue voters should follow. All the voters from Room 5 to 8 were in my queue, then formed more queues when they were on the top floor as you can see.
Anyway, when it came to my turn to enter the room, I was hoping to get the middle clerk to paint the indelible ink for me because I noticed he was neater. Whereas I got the first clerk and… -_-
Rather messy if you ask me
Once we walked out of the polling station, I felt really proud to do my share this round and I was strongly hoping for a change. As much as I know it wouldn’t really happen, I was still hoping in this round we’d give them a run for their money and they’d be sweating buckets to know we’re the generation to deal with from now on.