Taylor Swift Malaysia RED tour concert

It was a double celebration for us because not only was it our registration date, but Taylor Swift’s Malaysia RED tour concert was happening on this very day too!

From my Linkin Park concert in Malaysia experience, without a doubt, early queues formed at the Putra Stadium in Bukit Jalil. Thankfully, since we arrived at around 2-3pm we were probably between the 30th-50th people in the queue for the free seating category. Not too bad la for a Taylor Swift Malaysia concert.

Attack of the zombies

The other concert I’ve attended at the Putra Stadium was the Super Junior Malaysia concert and having that to compare with this, I have to personally say the crowd control was very different.

While we were queueing early, you’d notice the line was a respected boundary where people followed. However, when word got out that we were now allowed to go in, it was chaos.

The queue broke down and everyone started rushing to the front. Mind you, this was only to the front where they were suppose to do security checks and apparently, body checks before you enter the Taylor Swift Malaysia concert.

With (I thnk) 4 security staff, they were overwhelmed by the rush of people wanting to go in soonest. At this point, bag checks were almost out of the question.

But that wasn’t the worst I’d say. Once through that checkpoint and up a stairs, only thing standing between a huge mob of fans and the 2 staff in charge of collecting tickets is the glass door of the stadium. -_-!!! To make matters even worst, there’s a large area before the glass doors for the mob to group like zombies.

Red - crowd / Blue - security & staff
Red – crowd / Blue – security & staff

Some morons who made their way up the stairs tried to find any way they could to squeeze nearer to the doors making the crowd control worst. Also, you have inconsiderate imbeciles who started pushing from the back.

And all the staff could do whilst hiding by the doors inside was shout, “Don’t push. Or we’ll not take your tickets.” *facepalm* I guess they didn’t consider that the ones pushing were behind and telling that message from the inside of the door wouldn’t reach the outer ring of people who were pushing.

Taylor Swift Malaysia concert made up for it

Once seated inside comortably, it was another round of waiting at least with some air cond now.

Less than 50% full until opening act
Less than 50% full until opening act

After “singing” the national anthem, listening to some local band (I couldn’t hear their name clearly), waiting and it started.

Though her stage here isn’t as detailed like Super Junior, she had a wardrobe which could wow the fans on the ground. On top of that, she tried to give as much contact to the fans while her security controlled the many reaching hands.

Interesting observation. Mobile phone recording wasn’t prevented during the show. I even noticed a fan whip out a prosumer camera. Kind of made me wondered whether it was because the management and artiste didn’t mind the fans doing so.

Well, one thing I really liked about Taylor’s performance was when she performed, it felt very authentic.

It’s like when you’re comfortable with someone, you can be yourself – the real character inside. This was the feeling I felt and it drew me more into her performance.

Overall, I’m glad I came for the Taylor Swift Malaysia concert and discovered the real Taylor Swift.

Linkin Park Malaysia concert returned in 2013

Like a friend you’ve not seen for 10 years, I experienced that feeling when Linkin Park performed live in Malaysia again. The last Linkin Park Malaysia concert was held at Stadium Merdeka and ticket were about RM200+. Though their performance was awesome that time, it was together with a not-so-good memory because there were what I deem hooligans. The moment jumping started, a group of us tumbled because of others who were pushing and forcing their ways to the front.

Fast forward to Linkin Park Malaysia concert 2013

Initially I didn’t know about Linkin Park performing in Malaysia until I caught word from someone, which led me to find out the Linkin Park Malaysia concert was to be organized by The WonderLand+.

I made the decision to purchase the more expensive “VIP” ticket this time; RM650, in hope to avoid hooligans as previously. On concert day, I made my way to the stadium around 4:30pm after buying myself an early dinner snack.

At 4.30pm-ish
At 4.30pm-ish

There were some cars already present in the parking lot and I didn’t think anything of it because I assumed with the VIP ticket, my queue wouldn’t be as long. Well, I was kind of wrong.

The not-VIP queue
The not-VIP queue

I found the queue unreasonable and as though being conned to believe “VIP” really meant something. This was because my queue was combined with others who bought tickets for the mosh pit and our concert areas were different. Okay, so here’s where I rant that the management should’ve considered splitting our line because VIP means Very Important Person and we paid 650 bucks okay! *fumes*

Thankfully, I made some friends while queuing and they happened to be in the VIP area too. So we were chatting about the Linkin Park Malaysia concert to past the time and I was glad to know as we’d have each others backs when the concert began. Plus, they were nice enough to help me snap a photo. Thank yous!

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Back after 10 years #linkinpark

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By the way, if there’s 1 lesson after your first concert is it will never start on time. Besides that, other practices when attending a concert is:

  1. Pack a raincoat.
  2. Bring a zipper bag for your mobile phone, in case it pours.
  3. Leave umbrellas in your vehicles.
  4. Leave water bottles behind.
  5. Leave DSLRs / camcorders at home.

Of course, number 5 is pretty obvious unless you’re media. However, we noticed a smart person who brought his GoPro and a monopod to this Linkin Park Malaysia concert. Genius!

When the concert started, it was natural for the crowd to go wild. I was really glad Linkin Park acknowledged their absence for the past 10 years. In addition, I felt more awesome because they said Malaysia was their last stop for this year’s tour. Thank you guys for making the Linkin Park Malaysia concert a reality again!!!


Needless to say, everyone was pumped during the concert and Linkin Park continued to be awesome entertainers.

I noticed while Mike was performing, he threw a pick into the crowd naturally and I think it caught the fans by surprise. Some of them had the “WTF” expression because they didn’t realize what came flying at them.

A quick rant however was some people couldn’t keep their mobile phones in their pants for the length of the song. I noticed many had their phones in the air video recording the songs from start to finish. So in my mind, I was… “Dei! You might as well stay home and watch the Linkin Park DVD.”

The longest I recorded was less than 2 minutes and I was lucky to catch the moment when Mike came down to sing; In the end, with the fans. When it happened, fans were pushing me like a ship in the wave towards where Mike was so I couldn’t do anything else but move with the flow. Thankfully, there wasn’t a tumbling incident like my previous Linkin Park Malaysia concert experience.

After Linkin Park finished their encore set, they gave some freebies like guitar picks and drum sticks to the fans. Unfortunately, none of it came my way as I was hoping a towel would come flying to me. T_T

Nonetheless, I was really happy and proud to have attended the Linkin Park Malaysia concert once again. Furthermore, I was nearer to the stage this time as compared to last. 😀

Next Linkin Park Malaysia concert goal; be in the 2nd row! Fighting~

SCANDAL Japanese band in Malaysia 2012

Now partially deaf. Partially without voice. But worth very minute of the more than 1 hour performance by the SCANDAL (Japanese band). Awesome!!!


Me and my bro-in-law went to catch the performance today. By the time we arrived, got out of the lift, more than 1 hour before the SCANDAL (Japanese band) show, the queue had already reached the ground floor of KL Life Centre. O.O

The opening act was a female artiste by the name Haruta (I think). By the time we reached our VIP zone, the emcee had already finished introducing the opening act. Her songs were very soulful and acoustic. And the crowd just gave their support, regardless whether they knew her or not. That’s the Malaysian spirit for you when it comes to music. 🙂 They even started cheering on the SCANDAL (Japanese band) crew member who came on to do sound test on all the instruments. -.-!

The moment SCANDAL Japanese band members; Rina, Tomomi, Mami and Haruna came on the stage, they delivered an awesome performance with high-energy throughout. The crowd was well-behaved and supportive. I totally felt it was worth the money I paid. Plus, comparing if this was Anime Festival Asia, I’d never be this close to the stage!

SCANDAL performed around 8-9 songs from various albums. In addition, the crowd managed to persuade them and probably the organizers to let them play an encore. What a finale that was!

We decided to leave as the girls exited the stage because I was anxious to get a copy of their new album. I saw them on sale while entering, but couldn’t get them at the time. Luckily, there were still copies left!

scandal album
Queens Are Trumps

Lo and behold! Muahahaha. 😀

Thank you Rina, Haruna, Tomomi and Mami for coming to Malaysia. (Scandal Japanese band saikyou!)

Welcome home, Zee.

Last night was a concert by Zee Avi. And I know, I know, you may be asking; who is she? Well, trust me. My Dad could give the most random of answers when I told him I was going for her concert.

Zee Ar Vee? (CRV)

He was joking. But I do know, he’d definitely enjoy her music because he likes the blues and jazz too. I went to watch the concert with Ariel and we were a bit kiasu. Reached the KL Life Centre by 6pm. And already, some people were lining up. No surprise, huh.

Here’s a pictorial experience of the concert. 🙂

Heading up the lift
Joining the queue forming
Seats and standing spots filling up
Simple backdrop for the stage

Emcee comes on
Air Asia contest to fly to Bali for 2
Guy versus Chic
Girl goes first
Guy pours his heart out for the win
Guy walks away with prize - stewardess not included
Zee Avi comes on

Zee Avi strumming on the guitar
Zee Avi giving the crowd their favourite - ukulele
Zee Avi having a good time dancing
Zee Avi's Dad joins her on stage
Zee Avi thanks her Dad with a big hug
Zee Avi gives her Dad the Gold Label award she won

And that was what the concert was like. What? Not feeling it? Okay, fine. Here’s a YouTube video for the less imaginative.

P.S.: Did you catch the blooper at the end of the video? 😉

The crowd was pretty decent. The main hall was filled while some strayed further to the sides so they could stand on higher ground to catch a glimpse of Zee Avi. The upper deck looked full with everyone sitting on benches you find in a basketball arena.

There was also a VIP area. And Ariel told me she saw Marina Mahathir too. When I turned to look, she was there with her daughter and husband. Then, I also noticed none other than Mr.Tony seated on the sofas.

Security was very well managed by Fat Boyz. Not only were you frisked for any weapons but while leaving, I noticed many DSLR handlers had to claim their batteries back at a table. Good try people.

During the concert, JessicaT was also asked by a security near the stage to handover her camera. However, she flashed the guy her crew tag and was left alone after that. Though there was 1 girl who managed to smuggle her camera in, as she pushed people aside to come center front – where I was standing.

Besides that, the performance was superb. Me and Ariel really love artistes who sound like themselves in real life compared to CDs. To me, that’s true talent and being yourself.

I was so impressed with Zee Avi, I bought her original CD as my support to her. I love her voice, her music and her personality. Definitely looking forward to the next album or when she’s down again.

If you didn’t know, Zee Avi was picked up by the record label; Monotone/Brushfire Records and is now in US. Her next tour stop is Australia.

But if you want to catch this petite artiste before that, she’ll be at a Meet and Greet session at Rock Corner, Gardens on Tuesday, 8pm. Though I think pre-requisite was you need to have her CD.

Oh, I’ve got but 1 dissatisfaction. The big momma standing beside me with her daughter was drowning me with her perfume. It was musky and strong. *blech*

Anyway, welcome home, Zee.

Zee Avi is Coming To Malaysia

This is one concert I’m definitely attending this year. Not because I’m a die-hard fan but I’d like to hear her sing live.


Because with a sultry voice like hers, it’ll be monumental to absorb the strumming and laid back feeling. It’ll be like going on holiday when you close your eyes. Only to be hit back into reality when you leave the hall.

Zee-Avi in Malaysia, can’t wait for it!

P.S.: I wanted to put the original music video from her YouTube channel but it had some material infringement. 🙁

Updated March 12, 2010

The pre-booking of tickets is closed. Now, all we have to do is wait for tomorrow after 12:00pm to start buying them tickets!
