The Ultimate Muhibbah Test

In Malaysia history books, children and students are taught the meaning of “muhibbah”. It’s about Malaysia’s multi-racial community living harmoniously with one another.

Lately, we’ve had temple destructions, cow head displays and pig head displays. Now comes another grueling test towards our beliefs in muhibbah, church burnings in Malaysia.

It isn’t bothering me religiously but mentally. I start questioning the morality of Malaysians actions towards such acts. Furthermore, how should these acts be judged later?

It’s like a frequency disturbing my wave of thoughts. Where can I find peace? What can I do to calm my thoughts and regain myself? Then I remembered, Juwita Suwito’s song performed for Visit Malaysia 2007. It was titled; One Golden Celebration.

I hope the song (and maybe video) would help you calm your nerves too. We’re Malaysian and let us continue living together in spirit of muhibbah.

Got My Invite to Astro B.yond!

Hooray! One of my 2010 resolutions is coming along well. Which is to participate more in the Malaysia blogging scene. And thanks to Nuffnang, I’m going to be doing just that at the Astro B.yond Bloggers Night. 🙂

The party’s going to be held at Modesto’s, Desa Sri Hartamas and 1 lucky blogger might walkaway with a spanking new 32” LG High Definition TV with free subscription to Astro B.yond channels! And to be even more hopeful, there’ll be 3 sets up for grabs. Awesomeness!

Will you be there too?

2010 Resolutions

I think of resolutions like business goals this year. For example, short term goals are more realistic and easily achievable. The long term goals are the idealistic ones we want to achieve. In other words, the dream.

The 2010 resolutions I’ve made so far are:

  1. Start a project 365 on my photography blog.
  2. Continue my awareness among Malaysia bloggers.
  3. Meet up with Philip and I-Lin more often.

These are what I’d call short term goals. I’ve not really set any long term ones yet but it’ll definitely involve the love of my life; Ariel.

Maybe it’s healthier making resolutions as we usher in the new year. Then we’d know what we want and what type of resolution would it be. But if I had to make a resolution for long term right now, it would be:

Exercise more

Running a Malaysia website design company puts me behind the computer, using a lot of my time. And I definitely don’t want to be a lard in the future.

What are your 2010 resolutions so far?

I am Danny Foo

A new year, a new beginning. What better way for me to celebrate 2010 with a new blog – technically. I’ve been blogging since about 2005 and longer but back then, it was a personal blog.

Like a personal blog, I was ranting about life in general from college, friends, girlfriends and other spaced out thoughts. I really missed this vast space where I could vent out my personal thoughts.

My previous personal blog is now about my passion about the Malaysia internet industry. Then in October 2009, I launched my rediscovered hobby of  photography into a blog; Cameranoob.

But I still felt I was missing a space where I can express my personal thoughts in general again. My own personal space to talk about my life in general and openly.

Thus, this is my rebirth. This is my personal blog for me to write about anything I feel I want to share with the blogosphere.

I am Danny Foo.