Story of ribs and Selangor tourism

Procrastination can be a really bad thing. When you’ve something to blog, the moment you set it aside, you end up losing its motivation and consider the decision whether to post it or not. So, what the heck – here’s my week’s life summary.

Run-in with Chicago Rib House

It’s a new eatery in 1Utama and my friend gave a good recommendation on the food. So, we normally take our friends’ word, right?

Half-rack of pork ribs

The meat was tender that it peeled off the bone without trouble. As happy as I’d have love to be, I wasn’t. Because it took more than 30 minutes before me and Ariel were served our food. My belief after reminding 2 waiters of our orders and witnessing the kitchen manager look our way  – twice, was that our servings got delivered to the wrong tables.

No doubt their system tracks orders keyed all the way to the food being cooked, but because of human error somewhere our food wasn’t delivered until much much much later. In addition, my side order was also wrong but at this point, I just couldn’t give a damn. It was a very bad experience and I won’t be paying the Chicago Rib House a second visit.

My friends suggested me to complain on their Facebook page but here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to publish this here, on Twitter and on my Facebook, if they’ve a decent team monitoring their brand online, I’d be more than happy for them to talk to me – if not comp me.

Rediscovering Selangor

If you’re active on Twitter and stay in Selangor, you may have bumped into the Tourism Selangor social media team. They’re really doing a pretty good job engaging the Selangor residents and recently, I learnt about the forest reserves – thanks to a contest by Alam Sekitar Selangor.

Contest goodies

The contest prizes wasn’t an iPad2 or new computer or new car but I didn’t really bother. It was a spur of the moment that I thought to just join the contest for the fun of it. And from that experience, I learned that 1 of the forest reserves in Selangor is Bukit Gasing. In addition, I actually visited the Tourism Selangor website to scour for my answer.

What surprised me most was when their package arrived. Apparently, it was sent from the office of the Adun Bukit Lanjan; Elizabeth Wong!

Well, thanks again for the calendars and I hope to see Selangor do much better with technology. Next step maybe to give real credit where it’s due to those who really created something for the state using technology. And I’m not talking about some 1email accounts.

Wierdest moments to Twitter

Immersing myself in social media has been really fun. It was great reconnecting in Friendster, to finally easily engage friends in Facebook and share my thoughts in 140 characters.

But here I was thinking, what would be the weirdest moments to Twitter.

While crapping or peeing

If you’re crapping seated down is fine. Manageble squatting. But I definitely don’t want to touch your device if you did it peeing. Yuck.

While delivering a baby

As much as friends would congratulate you, I don’t think you’d want the blood weak ones to faint by seeing all that blood or your v-jay-jay. Lol.

While you’re having sex

If you did, you’re plain weird or plain uninterested. Or, you just wanted the world to know you slept with a hooker.

So I’m pretty sure you’d have other weird moments in mind, do share 1 of your spaced out thoughts. 🙂