Me and Ariel recently joined the WedInk Tattle’s wedding contest by The Peak Xperience. What’s more amazing was, we were shortlisted as 1 of 5 couples for the grand prize to have our dream wedding made into reality!

Our dream wedding in less than 500 characters
The submission required us to submit a description of our dream wedding. I’m no copywriter so I described it ala blogger-style lor. LOL!
Inspired by the cuteness we both share and love in Japanese-Korean culture. The dream wedding where beauty is formed by simple elegance, yet has space for our playfulness. A dream wedding our family and friends will remember for its uniqueness and cuteness. The dream wedding experience we can tell our kids that it was not only a dream.
Our REAL dream wedding
Because the description isn’t much, here are some ideas we’ve discussed we want to have and some ideas we wish we could have later.
Meet Danbo
This is a Japanese toy I’ve been looking for high-and-low and Ariel loves it too because it’s just so cute. The figurine originated from the Japanese comic; Yotsubato – read volume 28. I’ve not finished the whole story yet but it’s a good laugh to take some tension away because of the main character’s (Yotsuba) antics. LOL!

Pictures on a clothes line
We actually have a miniature version in our room, on a corkboard. But what we really want to do is have a line of pictures of us, our friends, family and even our wedding, stringed up for everyone to imagine the life we’ve had before reaching this point.

An online friend of mine; CheeChingy, put in a special request to have Chibi-ness injected into our wedding. Well, given the chance, we definitely want it to happen because it’s part of the Japanese culture we both love too.

This was something Ariel drew for me in 2007, then I helped illustrate in Illustrator to bring it to life. The 2bblur Inc name was the initial name I had for my personal brand – gosh, what was I thinking!
The White Bear
Okay. We would love to have such a huge white bear that size but we’re going to be a little more practical. Part of our dream wedding is to have white bears on the registration table for guests. And, we’ve already found a few for this occasion. 😀

Interactive and Fun Cocktail Session
This may be too much to ask of guest. But I was pitching the idea to Ariel of having some photos of us on an easel. Then, there’d be speed bubbles for our guests to write a message.

Save the date
When it came to our invitation cards, we wanted something our guests would keep and find it interesting – we’re both spaced out creatives. One of the ideas Ariel liked was this invitation card where guests scratch out to get the date.

The idea I had started off with origami being Japanese inspired. Then, it led me to the idea of paper crafts.

However, this won’t really be an invitation card but more like a subtle reminder of our cute wedding which will be happening. 🙂
Takeaway please
We went through the wedding dinner part by part, thinking what else can we do to make it even cuter. What else we may have missed out in the details. It was, wedding favors.

The kawaii-ness (cute-ness) of a bento box is what makes Japanese culture Japanese. It’s like if you go to Japan, you must eat sushi. Well, this will be one of the ideas we’ll be toying with too. 🙂
That’s pretty much some of the stuff we have in mind to make our wedding the cutest one, ever!
Please vote for us by visiting the WedInk Tattle blog post and click the Facebook Like on the post below! 😀