Follow-lor (law) day

While driving back from an appointment one day, I was spacing out though my attention span was still on the road. Don’t ask me if that’s possible, it’s just something I do.

So I was thinking of how recently we’ve been talking about fairness and corruption in the country. Then, a thought came to me. What would it be like for 1 day, if all of us didn’t give the road authorities any room of opportunity to be corrupted?


It’ll be like an awareness campaign to fight corruption. Or, the fun part about it, seeing the faces of the authorities who have no excuse to write you a ticket or stop you. Or the least, creep them out.

In other words, we’d drive them nuts. *grin*

This list is some of the common mistakes we shouldn’t let the authorities take advantage of, though I know it can be difficult for some – out of habit.

  1. Wear your safety belt
  2. Renew your road tax, on time
  3. Use a hands-free bluetooth headset
  4. Respect the traffic light – don’t beat it
  5. Follow the speed limit – as stupid as it may be
  6. Avoid making illegal turns
  7. Park in allocated spaces
  8. Pay for parking (or, at least check if you have to)

So, if we were to follow the law for 1 day or during the seasons when most drivers get caught, they’ll be driven up the wall thinking, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG TODAY?!”

Because there would be little to no tickets to write. *evil laughter*

I know. My spaced out thoughts are living in a world too perfect at times. 😛

Idea: Have my seat please

Ever went to McDonalds or any self-serve eateries only to be frustrated to not be able to sit down with the tray of food you’re carrying? I bet we’ve all vented out our anger in silence during this scenario.

Well, I thought of this idea for a movement.

What if, after I finished eating, I let you have my seat because you’re carrying your tray of food. In addition, I’ve to clear my tray of food from the table to the designated spot.

left food tray at mcdonalds

Then, when the next person with a tray of food comes, you’ll let the person have your seat once you’re done and take your tray with you.

The condition of letting another person have your seat is that they must have a tray of food already.

This movement will prioritize the patrons who respect others eating there. It will educate patrons to clean up after themselves. Plus, it teaches us etiquette of not sitting down just to ‘choop’ a seat. And hopefully, teach other people’s children proper manners.

Viva la revolucion!