The first piranha movie I watched was back in the 90s. And I couldn’t believe how many piranha movies there were when I tried to IMDB the one I watched. Gosh!
After watching the recent Piranha movie, I thought it would’ve ended. But no, someone had to have the huge piranha jumping out of the water to take a head off. *facepalm*
Anyway, this sequel to me had less scenes of piranha scoffing and more fan service as what we’d call it in some anime. This I would say is probably the only reason you’d watch Piranha 3DD.

Besides that, as coined in Wikipedia as a comedic horror film, I’d lie if I didn’t laugh at scenes involving a water tank humper and the piranha biting a dude’s penis. *bang head on table*
So if you’re in the mood for something to just fill the time with while you do your homework, this could be one of those to watch. And don’t forget to lift your head to look out for this later.

Uh-hurm. Are those really double Ds?! (O_O)