Me and Ariel attended the wedding planning party organized by Doubletree Hilton Kuala Lumpur. Purpose of me visiting is to learn where I can, at the same time meet up with my friend who I thought would be there. Unfortunately, she had an emergency.

Nonetheless, I happened to bump into my friend’s sister with her parents and even a Webcamper! Lol. So small is the world we live in. 🙂
The first part of the party was kicked off with a fashion show by wedding couture designers – Carven Ong and Eric Choong.

And emceeing the event was William who’s a radio host, from which station I do not know.

By the end of Carven’s show, me and Ariel were pretty hungry since we didn’t really have breakfast and not grab a light snack before heading over. I was hungers till my tummy started growling.

When the show continued, we listened to both master photographers; Jim Liaw and Zung talk about their work and what couples should be doing when wanting to engage a photographer. There was a real difference in presentation and style from the works of both photographers.

But we’ve already found our master photographer – you’ll know soon enough.
Nearing the end of the event, I was looking out for people from Wishing Tree because I wanted to touch base with them on decoration ideas we had. At the same time, have a better idea of the budget we should be allocating. It so happened we bumped into them when I was just thinking about it – the universe is amazing. 😉
We didn’t stay until the end but congratulations to the couple who walked away with the Conrad Bangkok package. And thanks to Doubletree for inviting us.
P.S.: Only had my trusty iPhone 3GS with me and I still miss you, Steve. 🙁