Golfing on the commando course

Besides waking up for business before 6.30am, I’ve not had to wake up at the time ever since I stopped competitive swimming. But I guess this would be the norm if you plan to golf in the morning.

UPM is known as the commando course to many Malaysian golf players.

You now entering Jurassic Pa...oh wait.

Mainly because the back 9s (Hole 10 onwards), feels like you’re playing with the jungle very close by. Other than the monitor lizards, we saw a family of monkeys crossing the fairway. So remember to not pack food in your bags.

The course felt very long but I suppose it’s because the fairways were hilly. This contour gave the impression that distances were shorter and walking along it made you more tired, even though we had buggies. burns!

It got pretty hot in the late morning. Plus, cover from the trees at the back 9s were lacking, since there weren’t many trees along the buggy track. And I’m not sure to be happy or not when it started raining midway. Yes, it kind of cooled down the heat. But we had to actually abandon our game because it was a long winded rain.

Oh well, I guess there’s always a next time to battle the commando course. Just this time, I’ll want to be more prepared to play the greens better. They were fast and pin locations made it really challenging for high handicapped players like myself.

Therefore, I will be back!