My meeting with Zee Avi

Well, I definitely wasn’t happy forking out RM15 for parking to KL Life Centre at Zee Avi’s concert. But paying for her performance and her debut album; Zee Avi, was every penny well spent.

And the pennies were lucky ones. I won an invitation to the exclusive Meet & Greet session with the sultry voiced artiste; Zee Avi. 😀

Okay. I know most of you are not here to read what I thought of the Meet & greet session. So I’ll save it for later. Here are the selected photos taken by me on the day. Oh, photos have larger (800×600 ratio) versions so click ’em to view ’em. Enjoy!

rock corner
Rock Corner
Making last minute arrangements
universal staff
Hawt Universal lady, no?

Getting everything in order
Signing in for the event
Someone got his guitar signed
brother sister
Brother waiting with his little sister
Fans taking every opportunity to photograph Zee
zee adjusting her hair
Slowly having a space to photograph Zee
zee smiling
Zee was very happy to see a very young fan
zee's coffee
Even Zee Avi drinks Starbucks 😛
zee shaking hands
Zee enjoyed meeting a father and his very young daughter
Zee looking at poster
I'm not sure what were they looking at but must have been interesting
shot of the day
I'd say this was the best shot of the day

The event was suppose to start at 8pm but it only began around 8:30pm. There were actually 2 sessions because one of the fans I met the day told me, there was a newspaper advertisement saying anyone with a Zee Avi album may come to get an autograph too.

Because of this, the sessions were split into an autograph session followed by the meet & greet session. I’d say it was pretty well organized though weird because we queued on the right to sign in then moved to the left to enter for autographs later.

This was my first ever autograph session in my life. So embarrassing moment came when Zee Avi stared at me, waiting for me to tell her my name so she could write it on the cover. Though I was glad she did ask me:

What’s your name, luv?

*swoon* 🙂 LOL!

Once I got the autograph, I joined the rest of the non-media photographers gathered at the middle entrance trying our best to snap a photo of Zee Avi. Before the event, I did ask the hot Universal lady if photos were permitted during the meet & greet. She apologized and said personal photographs weren’t allowed.

However, can’t blame me if I joined the revolution which started. All I wanted were photos for this blog and spread word to people who still hasn’t heard of Zee Avi.

And I was really lucky to have grabbed these photos first. Because moments later, non-media were disallowed to get near the middle entrance to snap any photos of Zee Avi. Alas, some just stood further away. 😛

Once the autograph session was done, the invitees were asked to form lines of 10 people to go in and meet Zee Avi. We shook her hand and chatted for less than a minute before we were asked to huddle together like a school yearbook photo. No personal photos were taken here because of time shortage and it wasn’t allowed.

The group photos were going to be emailed to us and posted to the Universal Music Malaysia Facebook page later. However, I’m still waiting for the photo.

And I just had a thought, how will they identify which group we belonged to if there was more than 1 group photo with Zee Avi. Uh-oh.

Well, I’ll share the photo here once it’s been distributed. In the meantime, I’ve published the full album of Zee Avi photos on my photoblog and here’s the video again of the concert night. 🙂

See you when you came back home again, Zee. 🙂

Updated: March 25, 2010 – 8:35pm

Universal Music finally uploaded the photo to their Facebook. This was the photo from the album. Though I did some minor touch up.

group photo
Zee Avi and Us

Meeting Zee Avi in person

Today was the Meet & Greet organized by Universal Records. It was hosted at Rock Corner, Gardens. There was quite good a turnout of fans. Some I saw at the concert and some who wanted to meet her cause she was there.

Anyway, here’s a teaser photo for you.

photo of fans

The full writeup will come, soon. Just need to process the photos.

By the way, Zee is flying off to tour Australia this Thursday (I think). God speed, Zee.