Welcome home, Zee.

Last night was a concert by Zee Avi. And I know, I know, you may be asking; who is she? Well, trust me. My Dad could give the most random of answers when I told him I was going for her concert.

Zee Ar Vee? (CRV)

He was joking. But I do know, he’d definitely enjoy her music because he likes the blues and jazz too. I went to watch the concert with Ariel and we were a bit kiasu. Reached the KL Life Centre by 6pm. And already, some people were lining up. No surprise, huh.

Here’s a pictorial experience of the concert. 🙂

Heading up the lift
Joining the queue forming
Seats and standing spots filling up
Simple backdrop for the stage

Emcee comes on
Air Asia contest to fly to Bali for 2
Guy versus Chic
Girl goes first
Guy pours his heart out for the win
Guy walks away with prize - stewardess not included
Zee Avi comes on

Zee Avi strumming on the guitar
Zee Avi giving the crowd their favourite - ukulele
Zee Avi having a good time dancing
Zee Avi's Dad joins her on stage
Zee Avi thanks her Dad with a big hug
Zee Avi gives her Dad the Gold Label award she won

And that was what the concert was like. What? Not feeling it? Okay, fine. Here’s a YouTube video for the less imaginative.

P.S.: Did you catch the blooper at the end of the video? 😉

The crowd was pretty decent. The main hall was filled while some strayed further to the sides so they could stand on higher ground to catch a glimpse of Zee Avi. The upper deck looked full with everyone sitting on benches you find in a basketball arena.

There was also a VIP area. And Ariel told me she saw Marina Mahathir too. When I turned to look, she was there with her daughter and husband. Then, I also noticed none other than Mr.Tony seated on the sofas.

Security was very well managed by Fat Boyz. Not only were you frisked for any weapons but while leaving, I noticed many DSLR handlers had to claim their batteries back at a table. Good try people.

During the concert, JessicaT was also asked by a security near the stage to handover her camera. However, she flashed the guy her crew tag and was left alone after that. Though there was 1 girl who managed to smuggle her camera in, as she pushed people aside to come center front – where I was standing.

Besides that, the performance was superb. Me and Ariel really love artistes who sound like themselves in real life compared to CDs. To me, that’s true talent and being yourself.

I was so impressed with Zee Avi, I bought her original CD as my support to her. I love her voice, her music and her personality. Definitely looking forward to the next album or when she’s down again.

If you didn’t know, Zee Avi was picked up by the record label; Monotone/Brushfire Records and is now in US. Her next tour stop is Australia.

But if you want to catch this petite artiste before that, she’ll be at a Meet and Greet session at Rock Corner, Gardens on Tuesday, 8pm. Though I think pre-requisite was you need to have her CD.

Oh, I’ve got but 1 dissatisfaction. The big momma standing beside me with her daughter was drowning me with her perfume. It was musky and strong. *blech*

Anyway, welcome home, Zee.

Zee Avi Live in Kuala Lumpur at KL Life Centre

I just got back from the Zee Avi concert after having to satisfy my temperament hunger. It was pure sultry sounds and she was simply awesome. I’ll leave you with a teaser for now.


Coming up are more photos during the performance. And some videos of her and the Malaysian crowd giving their full support by singing along. It was excellent I tell you.

Thank God I’m not a football-holic. 😛

The full concert coverage with photos and videos has been published; welcome home, Zee.