Spring cleaning my workstation

Okay. Not wasting my “company break” I’ve been filling my time with some wedding stuff and other things I needed to get off my to do list. One of it was to spring clean my workstation so I did it today.

Roll out

And trust me, when you’ve not done it for awhile it can get rather dusty in there. All the black dust balls occupying the heatsink of your hard working coolers.

So I spent a good amount of time removing the parts of my computer from the processor to the hard disks and case fans. Then toothbrush-ing the fans, wiping them down and re-applying a new layer of thermal compound to my processor.

Once that was done, my computer looked much better internally and it felt much better. I could finally feel some airflow with my bare hands. Plus, temperatures look to be more stabilized now. Hooray!

But I didn’t end there for today.

I’ve been meaning to properly clean my old Logitech keyboard ever since I replaced it with the Razer Black Widow which I won at a press event. I bought the Logitech keyboard in 2005 and it was still in good condition until now. Just a little dirty.


I’ve tried using cleaners like Gif and I highly do not recommend it because it’s too strong – it eats away the keyboard letters. Instead, I used soap water this time. Only thing I did different is plucked out a key at a time to thoroughly clean it – top and sides.

All clean and shiny

I can’t say if you can pluck for all keyboards and I dare not try it on my Black Widow. Though speaking from this experience, plucking and cleaning key by key was very effective.