I had a hard time switching to postpaid from prepaid because my monthly usage didn’t fit into any of my preferred telco plans. But so far, my DG50 decision is proving to be the best option for me now. Thankfully.

And with all this iPhone4 hulloo-balloo going about, an iPhone 4 seller’s thread interest me. She (or he) described her Internet usage and gave a breakdown of how this plan would’ve suited her very well.
Im paying now rm58 for unlimited digi internet, but any calls/sms that i use is pay per use at 15sen/min 10sen/sms. This plan is also rm58 per month, i get to use the internet, n i have 200mins free calls n 200 free sms, only after using up all these im charged pay per use.
Lets say i use 200mins calls = rm0.15 x 200 = RM30
200 sms = rm0.10 x 200 = RM20
my total bill will be RM58+30+20 = RM108
But if i subscribe for this plan, i’ll be paying for RM58 only for the same amount of usage.
But when I compared the information to the available call and data plans (and iPhone plan) in DiGi’s website, I actually found it more expensive. 0.0

The offer really sounds great. Plus, DiGi even threw in 200 minutes (3.3 hours) of free calls and 200 free SMSes per month!
My DG50 plan doesn’t have those freebies but my rates are similar, except my voice calls is 13 sen.
And the other thing I pointed out to the LYN member, the 58/month plan only gives a quota of 1GB per month. As compared to the 3GB on the Internet Unlimited 68 data plan which she subscribed. Yes, DiGi increased their unlimited plan by RM10 recently. In addition, I tried digging the information for the Internet Unlimited 58 – it no longer exists.
I’m using DiGi already. And I use an iPhone 2G. Plus, I’m more likely to stick with the iPhone 4 than a HTC Desire.
However, why would I upgrade now to a promotional DG88 at RM58/month? When I’ll technically pay more for my calls than my DG50, when I should be saving since originally, it’s a DG88 plan to begin with.
Honestly, I find that weird. Or, is DiGi about to increase voice calls for DG50 plans? Eep.
Or, is something missing here?
P.S.: By auto billing, I presume they meant monthly credit card payment.