The rage somewhat have been the book sales happening and the 2 most talked about have been the MV Logos Hope book sale and the Big Bad Wolf book sale.
MV Logos Hope
I didn’t drive all the way to Klang for this. And the reason you’ll have to go the distance for it is because it’s a ship docked at the port with a book sale in it. Yes, you’ve to line up, board the ship then buy your books. It sounds like a very cool experience to be buying books in this manner but then again, I’m not going to drive to Klang for this.
Big Bad Wolf Books
Okay, so me and Ariel drove to Serdang instead to the apparently, biggest book sale in the world.

I’ve seen venues nearly as big as this. Plus, I’ve seen book fairs way bigger than this venue when my Mum used to visit them overseas. So I’m still wondering how was this coined the biggest book sale in the world. *shrug*
So anyway, shopping for your books here is your typical warehouse sale. You get towering books because not many people buy them or individual titles mixed up in a row like a deck of cards. Then before you begin your journey of exploration, you’ll need to secure yourself one of these boxes.

Besides the boxes, I noticed many visitors using grocery bags, IKEA bags and some even brought suitcases. And on my mind while carrying my box I was thinking, wouldn’t the size of the baggage make you purchase more?
Okay. So they had really lots of books from children, young adult, travel, general fiction, comics, movies and music along with biographies and memories and some more. But as usual, computer books were either very old or few. Even photography were more of coffee table books.
Based on my observation, you’ll get your visits worth if you’re looking for books for children, general fiction, romance, cookery and biographies. And if you’re heading over tomorrow, make sure to go before prayer times cause I bet it’s going to be packed – don’t have to mention weekends.
Also, you’ll find a throng of OCBC people asking if you’d like to sign up for their credit card to get a RM20 voucher as you enter or as you’re viewing some of the books.

Oh, before I forget. The best thing about this book sale was you have trams to take you from the car park to the venue! This was seriously a great idea. Plus, a good reason for MAEPS to utilize these vehicles I think. 😛
Prices of books which I saw ranged from as low as RM5 to RM20. So if you’ve been book hungry, this is your chance to replenish your library. And don’t forget your suitcase! LOL!