Never did I expect to have to bang my head against the wall over how to pay TM UniFi bill online. *facepalm* I mean seriously, my expectation having to pay my UniFi bill online using Maybank2u was suppose to be much less frustrating. Sigh.
Anyway, here I am to help you save yourself from the frustration and remind myself the bitter pain of having had to go through how to pay TM Unifi bill online via Maybank2u.
Now, I don’t suppose I have to tell you how to login to your Maybank2u account. If you really need help, you could email and I’ll see what I can do.

After you’ve logged in and you’ve landed on the dashboard page. You’ll want to move your eyes to the higher right portion of the page where you see “Bill payment”.
Don’t be misled like I was!
By the Bills & Statement option in the lower middle portion of the page. It’ll take you to a different section and its for you to do more stuff with your bills. Which I wouldn’t bother because all I want to do is pay my TM UniFi bill.

This was the one step which caused me the ultimate frustration because my TM UniFi bill stated Telekom Malaysia Berhad. Hence, like any normal person, I would think that option to be the right one. But nooo…
The correct step was to select Utilities from the list of all payees! #facepalm x 1000

At last, I have found you!

Okay. Congratulations for making it this far. Now pay attention to the Maybank2u image above because you will need the bill’s account number and not the bill number. If you’re stuck in a vortex for a second like I was, read it again because it is different. 😛
Here on, it’s finally downhill with the TAC authentication and the payment receipt.
Now you know how to pay TM Unifi bill online too!
And I have to say this…
what part of “Take my money” didn’t Maybank2u understand to pay my TM UniFi bill online