After some imagination probing to write the blog contest entry; My Valentine’s Day, organized by Nuffnang, it was paid off with a pair of free tickets. 🙂
The screening was on Tuesday and who else would I have gone with, other than Ariel. But I had added fun at this screening, because I bumped into @jenkinyat, @icednyior and @bryanlyt.
Although we were there before 8:30pm, a queue of bloggers already formed to redeem their tickets. Plus, the Nuffies weren’t there on time so the line grew nearly as long as the Cineleisure available counters.

The benefit being friends with other bloggers is you don’t mind them joining you in the queue – me, at least. Noticing Yatz trying to “bodek” one of the Nuffies, I just told him it’s alright to redeem with me. Bloggers are like buddies once you get to know them. 🙂
On to the movie review
The movie; Valentine’s Day, is the first romance comedy (and I think only one) released for this love directed day. By the end of the movie, I was telling Ariel I really liked the storyline.
I could feel a happy-happy joy-joy beginning, then transitioned to an uh-oh scenario to an awwww ending. But I think it’s the fact they managed to intertwine the character’s life as it came to an end. So it all played out well.
Though with a star studded cast, I believe even an all-time Academy Award actor or actress wouldn’t be able to save a movie it it were bad. But no worries here, the movie was good. 🙂
However, if you’re a Taylor Swift fan, I’d probably not ask you to watch. You just might end up bashing the producer/director or author of whoever wrote this movie. Let’s just say, dumb blonde. And leave it as that.
And I’ve a question about the after credits.
Was there an additional scene with Jessica Alba?
Because I get the feeling she had something missing.