Proof have shown to be famous online, you either have to be a woman or, a cat?!
I’ve got to give the cats that because even I admit, this video was uber cute even without the sound on. LOL! And if you want to laugh hard, listen to the voice-over. ROFL!
Okay, so I don’t have a pair of boobs and don’t intend to tape up myself to give me a cleavage, nor can I own a cat with my dogs. But here’s what I guess I can do.
Ariel bought the pair the of cat gloves when we were in Singapore for The Lion King. It cost SGD15 a glove from Otaku House in Suntec City Mall. At the same time, I also bought myself a hat which I’m not sure which anime it’s from but it looked cute, so yeah.
We brought them along to Ariel’s birthday celebration for all friends to wear and pose. It was a really great addition to the celebration and I guess this why themed parties can be so much fun. 🙂