The iPon 4 has cummed to Malaysia

Based on the Twitter activity last night, Apple nuts were at Midvalley Gardens apparently for the Maxis launch of the iPhone 4. And reading Smashpop’s experience, many celebrated and hanged around until the wee morning hours. Gosh.

Despite receiving my 1st generation Apple iPhone free, I never thought Malaysia had that many iPhone fanatics which were crazy enough to participate in this event. It’s almost like the queues you’d find outside an Apple Centre.

Then again, maybe it was because Maxis apparently were giving out Apple iPhone 4 units in some lucky draw fashion. *shrug*

And right now, the Low Yat forum is flooding with Apple iPhone resellers and 2nd hand sellers. Everyone hoping to get rid of their Apple iPhone 3G or 3GS to fund for the newer version. Plus, I came across a rumor in there saying someone’s cousin leaked that Maxis may sell the Apple iPhone 4 without a contract next week. Alas, it’s a rumor!

From the Apple iPhone 4 ‘kambing’ to Malaysia…

DiGi iPhone teaser
Manglish to-be: Kambing is Coming

The Apple iPhone 4 has cummed to Malaysia.